KTC Posts

This is Korea Tours’ Blatant Plagiarism

It has recently come to our attention that This is Korea Tours, my former employer has blatantly plagiarized our outgoing intro email and our terms and conditions. 

I normally wouldn't even care, but the fact is a lot of potential clients that contact us, also contact them. Because of that, there could be some confusion when they received exactly the same email and same itinerary with the exact same conditons. I want to clear the air once and for all. I don't want there to be any confusion as to who is copying who. After all, This is Korea Tours has been around a lot longer than us, so it would be natural to assume we have plagiarized them, which is not the case. 


We send an intro email detailing our rates and our services as an introduction. I was shocked to find out that This is Korea Tours used my email almost word for word. I don't understand how they would think this is a good idea. It is bad for both of us, especially us. Imagine sending an inquiry to 2 separate companies and getting almost the same exact email in response. It's confusing and a bad look for both of us. Here is our email: 

This is "their" email:

Itinerary & Terms & Conditions

They started using the same exact itinerary software as us. It's a free world. They have the right to use whatever software they want. Just a little unoriginal though. 

In any case, I saw their terms and conditions. It is a literal copy an paste of ours. Ours terms and conditions:

"Their" terms and conditions:

They just copied and pasted. They also copied the inclusions, exclusions, and cancellation terms, but I didn't want to post a bunch of pictures. Again, in a vacuum, none of this really matters. But the fact that we interact with some of the same potential customers and they are getting literally the same exact pitch word for word is a little ridiculous. My goal in posting is just to clear the air and let those potential clients know who is copying who. I hope This is Korea Tours would have some sense and change things for both of our sake.

Our websites are also another matter. Changing the structure of theirs based on ours is a little annoying. Again, it's a free market and they can choose to copy if they want, but it just begs the question, why? I thought you were supposed to be "the original and the best" according to "your slogan. Oh yeah, I came up with that too, so I guess not. Please just do us both a favor and just follow your own lane. It's embarrassing at this point.